Minimum Time in Grade 10 Months,80 Classes and 20 points. Normal time is one year.Passing score is 85% 

4.Throw Defense


Pick 5 Throws and show how you defend against them


2.Gripping Techniques


7 Grips and your favorit throw from each

5 Grip Breaks, follow up with a counter attack

6.Kata (Forms)

Demonstrate all of 

Nage No Kata (Forms of Throwing)

Katame No Kata (Forms of Grappling)

as Tori and Uke

7. Certification requirements for 1st class Brown Belt 

1. USJA coach cert

5.Ground work Entry


5 ways to turn over an opponent that's in the Turtle guard

2 ways to attack from the Turtle guard

3 ways to pass guard 

5 submissions when you have your opponent in guard

2 ways to enter into Juji-Gatame

​2 ways to enter into a Shime Waza

1st Class Brown Belt (Ikkyu) Written

Japanese Terminlogy

1.Hando No Kuzushi-Action-Reaction

2.Zanshin--Combat Awareness

3.Go No Sen--Counter Attack

4.Sen-Sen No Sen--Subconscious


5.There's 12 Degrees in the Jr Rank System .The belt colors are Yellow/White ,Yellow, Yellow/Orange ,Orange, Orange/Green, Green, Green/Blue, Blue, Blue/Purple, Purple

6. There's 6 student ranks in the Senior rank system . The name for ranks below Black belt are called Kyu ranks .Black belt ranks are called Dan ranks 

7. The belt colors for Sr Kyu ranks are Yellow, Orange, Green, Brown 

 The 8 directions of off-balancing from your opponents perspective


1.Mae-Mae- Straight Forward

2.Ma-Ushiro-Straight Back

3.Migi-Mae-Sumi-Right Front Corner

4.Hidari-Mae-Sumi-Left Front Corner

5.Migi-Yoko-Right Side

6.Hidari-Yoko-Left Side

7Migi-Ushiro-Sumi-Right Back Corner

​8.Hidari-Ushiro-Sumi-Left Back Corner


3.Grappling Techniques


6 Pinning Techniques ( Osaekomi Waza)

Show how to escape 

5 Joint Locking Techniques (Kansetsu Waza)

Show how to escape

6 Strangulation Techniques (Shime Waza)

Show how to escape

2 Groundwork combinations. Transition from a Shime Waza to a Kansetsu Waza ,and a Kansetsu Waza to a Shime Waza


Rank Requirements for Ikkyu

1st Class Brown Belt

This test you get to choose your techniques from the list on the Judo Info page on this site,and make your own test using your favorite techniques (Tokui Waza)

 1.Throwing Techniques


10 Throwing Techniques right vs right .left vs left grips (Ai-Yotsu)

3. Throws from right vs Left or Left vs right -(Kenkya-Yotsu )grips

5 Counter Throws 

5 Combinations using two or more throws

2 Combinations going from a Throw to a pin to a armbar

2 Combinations going from Throw to a pin to a strangulation Technique